
I IN营造出一种淡然的美感

DINZ德网传媒 DINZHOME 2022-10-29


THELIFE Show Apartment


I IN的THELIFE Shibuya showroom展示了一个全方位的室内概念,将开放式规划、定制家具与日本工艺相结合的住宅项目。

Showcasing an all-inclusive interior design concept for home renovations, I IN’s THELIFE Shibuya showroom marries open-planning and bespoke furniture with Japanese craft.

THELIFE Show Apartment

I IN东京设计事务所的创始人照井洋平和湯山皓为房地产公司Good Life的新家居装修品牌SMARG设计展厅THELIFE,他们知道自己的想法可能会让普通购房者感到困惑。“开放式设计在日本并不受到大众的欢迎。即使是在小公寓里,大多数买家喜欢尽可能多的独立房间。“这是我们希望改变的一种观点,因为扩大现有空间的唯一方法就是推倒墙壁。”

When Yohei Terui and Hiromu Yuyama of Tokyo-based design firm I IN began working on THELIFE, an interior design concept for real estate company Good Life’s new home renovation brand SMARG, they knew that their ideas might baffle the average homebuyer. ‘Open-plan design is not at all popular in Japan. Most buyers prefer as many separate rooms as possible, even in a small apartment,’ Terui explains. ‘That’s a view we hope to change, because the only way to expand an existing space is to knock down its walls.’

I IN在东京涩谷区的THELIFE展厅是SMARG的第二个完成的公寓改造。第一个是Chūō City的翻新项目,项目中使用了灰白的胡桃木色。在涩谷的这套公寓中,橡木制成的基座与金属灰色艺术装置的搭配,营造出一种淡然的美感,湯山皓和照井洋平认为,这种装置可能会吸引更多的潜在客户。

I IN’s THELIFE showroom in Tokyo’s Shibuya district is SMARG’s second completed apartment conversion. The first was a refurbishment project in Chūō City, for which I IN used a rich palette of walnut wood and off-white. For this Shibuya apartment, a cool pale oak is paired with gunmetal grey fixtures for a lighter aesthetic, one that Terui and Yuyama believe may appeal to more potential clients.

   I IN 

在室内,无把手的门,以及隐藏在墙壁或窗户上方的照明装置柔化了开放式、极简主义的方案。波纹玻璃将日光从浴室扩散到厨房区域,灰白色的墙壁和天花板经过粉刷,家具的边缘使用倒圆造型,向日本寺庙建筑中的木柱致敬。“I IN保持了设计的流畅性和连续性,并隐藏了在家中出现的常用物品,”湯山皓说。“使用间接照明和纹理表面来抑制空间中的任何尖角。”

Inside, design details soften the open-plan, minimalist scheme. Lines are kept clean with handleless doors and units, and lighting fixtures concealed in walls or above windows. Corrugated glass panelling diffuses daylight from the bathroom into the kitchen area, off-white walls and ceilings are lightly stuccoed, and edges of furniture pieces are gently rounded in a nod to the wooden pillars found in Japanese temple architecture. ‘We kept the design fluid and continuous, and hid the protrusions usually found in a home,’ Terui says. ‘Then we used indirect lighting and textured surfaces to subdue any sharp corners in the space.’


Hidden storage is another feature of the apartment. A wall of oak panels pulls out to become bi-fold doors to living room cabinets, while the entrance to a walk-in closet is disguised as a full-length wall mirror. There is no bed. Instead, a section of the oak floor is raised to accommodate a queen mattress and built-in nightstands, all kept out of view by a divider cum shelving unit that doubles as a bioethanol fireplace.

照井洋平:“THELIFE是一个正在进行的项目,在短短几个月内对东京的旧建筑进行翻新,所以我们主要使用当地制造商生产的家具和装置。”其中包括日本家具公司Time and Style生产的一款由I in设计的朱砂红毛绒沙发,以及Fonte贸易公司生产的一款鸡蛋形状的铸石浴缸。

‘THELIFE is an ongoing project primarily for renovating old structures in Tokyo within just a few months, so we focused on using local manufacturers for furniture and fixtures,’ Yuyama says. These include a plush I IN-designed vermillion sofa produced by the Japanese furniture company Time and Style, and an egg-shaped cast-stone bath from Fonte Trading.

其他更不寻常的是,I IN的作品也借鉴了当地工艺。这张引人注目的日本樱桃木长凳是由Timber Crew公司手工制作的,该公司负责安装公寓的橡木地板和墙面固定装置。在分隔客厅和卧室的隔板上,立着一个由当地金属工人锻造的黑色同心矩形几何雕塑。

Other, more unusual, I IN-designed pieces also draw on local craft. A striking Japanese cherry wood bench — a chunky rounded seat set atop legs of solid tree trunk — was handcrafted by Timber Crew, the company that installed the apartment’s oak flooring and wall fixtures. Atop the divider that separates the living room and sleeping area stands a large geometric sculpture of concentric iron rectangle frames forged by local metalworkers.


I in Inc.成立于2018年,是一家位于东京的设计公司。该公司在空间设计中追求新的可能性,并提出令人印象深刻和惊讶的室内设计。设计师相信,任何设计都必须让业主有机会体验一个具有强烈印象的空间,并产生共鸣,创造出长久的记忆。通过人类行为和经历的多样性,I IN团队找到了创造性和广泛的解决方案,坚定地跳出框架。通过收集客户的诉求来发现每个项目的内在特征。一旦这个角色被开发和理解,一个有凝聚力的设计就构思出来了。I IN所呈现的设计不仅是基本的声音,而且是一种崇高的美的概念。

Founded in 2018, I IN Inc. is a Tokyo-based design firm. The company pursues new possibilities in space design, and proposes impressive and surprising interiors. Our designers believe that any design must allow both the client and end-user the chance to experience a space with strong impression. There must be a resonance and a creation of a long-lasting memory. By harnessing the diversity and restlessness of human behaviour and experience, the I IN team finds creative and wide-range solutions that are firmly outside of the box. We achieve this goal by assimilating the client’s brief and vision to discover the intrinsic character of each project. Once this character has been developed and understood, a cohesive design is conceived. What I IN presents is a design that is bonded by not just fundamentally sound, but also a sublime beauty and strong concept.


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